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Thank you for taking part in this consultation

It has been highlighted by someone using the site, that some people may have misunderstood how to indicate their support or objection to the proposals, which is done by positioning a slider between positive and negative. We are committed to reflecting the views of people openly, which is why Commonplace has been used on this project.

So, we re-analysed the text of everyone who did not move the slider at all. We found that 19 people who marked their comments neutral probably meant to position the slider differently. Most of these people added more than one comment on the website. Thirteen of these people probably meant to mark their comments as negative, and six probably meant to mark their comments as positive.

We don’t feel it is appropriate (and it would be against our working practices) to change people’s comments on the website, but we do want to acknowledge this potential confusion.

The re-analysis would effect the summaries of some of the proposal sections on the website, which are currently marked as ‘on average people are neutral’. In particular, the Tower and Car & Cycle Parking sections would then read ‘on average people are negative’.

Posted on 31st August 2016

by The Mosaic Place Team